Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I had a spinning student a week and a half ago, or so, here at the cabin.  i am a bit tardy,  but i wanted to share photos so she can snag them for herself,  and just because.  :-)

she'd had a lesson a while back,  and wanted to brush up on her skills.   her drafting was beautiful.  not much to brush up there.

the yarn is even and consistent.  she's doing a great job.  :-)

keeping that pesky treadle going....the bane of most every new spinner....

whether you are a beginning spinner or more experience but wanting to learn new spinning skills and techniques,  we have volunteers who would be happy to work with you.   we have several different types of wheels available for learning, or bring your own,  and drop spindles are an option too.    we have a variety of spinning fiber available for purchase,  or you can bring your own.  :-)

to contact us,  leave a comment here,  or email us at weaversofharmony @ gmail.com (without the spaces).

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