Saturday, January 31, 2015


here's a little eye candy for spinning wheel fans...

 this is the weaver's cabin herd of 'working wheels'.   all of these are in working condition and are used by volunteers for demonstration, as well as for teaching.   left to right: a lendrum, a louet, the big one in the middle is a 'pinch nose tilt tension' antique paradis canadian production wheel,  and the dark wheel is a knockoff of an older ashford traditional (not sure who built it or when).

these two beauties are VERY antique saxonies, probably made in pennsylvania.  i'm not sure of the makers or the dates of birth, but one is a family heirloom of a cabin volunteer.    unfortunately both are missing pieces and are not in usable condition.    our 'wheel whisperer' has been seen taking measurements,  so maybe they'll get some replacement parts in the future.  :-)

Friday, January 30, 2015

onward :-)

now that the larger of the details of cabin operations have been worked out,  it feels like we're getting back to the basics of why we are there...our real mission.     without the stress of having to make sure we have enough product and enough variety of product, we can get back to the business of just demonstrating (and enjoying) weaving.   we can focus on working on projects we love rather than worrying about whether it appeals to customers.          :-)

so here is a little of what's going on at the cabin right now:

warp for a set of tea towels in a huck lace pattern.   the color as seen on the warping reel is more accurate.

 warp for a rug, ready for a new volunteer to start weaving.  :-)

 another huck lace project being threaded.     sounds like huck lace is the weave structure of the moment :-)

Friday, January 23, 2015

New Year

the new year will be bringing some changes to the weaver's cabin.   we will still be demonstrating weaving, spinning and a variety of other fiber arts,  and we will still be offering  classes and lessons, but we will no longer be selling items at the cabin.    we will be designing some exclusive items to be sold from the museum gift shop, so keep a look out.  :-)

there will be a vendor booth at the cabin during harmony events where you can buy items made by the cabin volunteers,  so if you are a fan of the awesome items we make,  don't panic.  you'll just have to wait for one of the many local events here in town.